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The explosion of personal and non-personal information is seemingly endless and the frequency of such is boosting in the highest degree. A survey done in January 2007 even shows that half of UK population harbors a deep mistrust because of security reasons. Many organizations and institutions are gathering proofs of information against these web insecurities but unfortunately, many citizens aren't still threatened by the issue, and are not taking it seriously.

Many would think dependencies of the economy on infrastructures concerned the web and other key service providers that enable information exchange, a disturbance or disruption would cause loss of lives, property and the fall of public confidence worldwide. But simple domestic hacking is not the main problem. It is just but essential and urgent to remove personal and public computer units to cut off the lives of these "cyber criminals." It was estimated that over 172,000 computers were hacked everyday, making them "zombies", giving full control to cyber thefts in 2005. This statistics increased to 500,000 hijacked computers per day in 2007, making it almost thrice as much as it is two years earlier! And because personal computers are most dominant in the internet, they are most vulnerable with over 150 million of these connected to "bot herders". Zombie network is even possible where cyber exploits such as hacking, virus spreading, illegal access on personal data, ID fraud, spamming and webcam spying are spreading widely.

Since computers were originally created to complex work, each has about 65,000 open doorways to the web, one of the obvious reasons that make them susceptible. With the nature of computers to respond, a "bot herder" would use thousands of controlled computers to say hello to a unit all at the same time. The PC then becomes overwhelmed and crashes. Cyber criminals are abundant due to the existence of black market and accessible zombie-making virus kits. All of these, according to the FBI, poses a dangerous threat not only in the household or business level, but also to national security (information, structure and economy), because the internet holds no limit but offers widely available possibilities and capabilities.

So what are the people to do with these? One important thing is to secure the end-users and administer awareness of such insecurity that may cause massive destruction, being responsible cybercitizens. It is also wise to produce a safer internet planet by improving administrative, regulatory and technical solutions and handing resources out to reinforce companies, airports, banks and power plants. As users, we should take initiative to clean our malware with patches, updates, upgrades and other software that would ensure protection, and leave no room for compromises.

Security and convenience should be on top priority. Although tedious, it is our duty to uphold a healthy, safe, infection- and attack-free computer to avoid affecting others, as well as to save time and money. There is no need to be technically savvy to be legally responsible for keeping your computer secured. It would benefit both yourself and other users. The simplest solution would be this: install professional security software, updated and checked regularly.

Tina L. Douglas is a well established author on the topic of internet security. For more advice and information on internet security software, just click on the link.


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