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There are same basics that the home user should know that will help them with internet security. While software is a great help in regards to computer security, if a user takes the right precautions, then they won't have to rely solely on security software to protect them.

Giving out information - This seems obvious to some people, but others don't think about it in regards to computer security. Do not give out your personal information, especially if you do not know what the website is for. For instance, you are browsing the internet and you get a pop up asking for your internet banking password. Do not give this out; this is likely someone who is going to try and hack your system and your bank account. A quality antivirus program can help prevent the hack, but if you give out the password, you are undermining your security software.

Email Attachments - Hopefully everyone knows that internet security means not opening any strange or suspicious emails, but with more people getting onto the internet, this rule may not be observed. If you receive an attachment you were not expecting, do not open it. You can let your security software scan it to see if it is safe, or better yet, contact the sender to see if it was something they sent. A lot of viruses and other dangerous programs can get past antivirus software in this fashion.

Updates - Run the updates for all your internet security programs and your operating system. These updates contain fixes with the internal security systems, or other updates to the security program. These updates do not cost anything, as they are part of the price you paid when you purchased your antivirus security software. Antivirus software updates are not difficult, as these can be set to run automatically when they are released. If you are not sure if the security software automatically runs an update, then check the settings of your internet security program. You may also find a spot within the program where it tells you when the last update was run.

Passwords - Make your passwords more complicated and harder to remember for security purposes. This does make things harder for the user, but it also makes them harder for the person trying to hack into your system and steal your information. Computer gurus say not to use your pet's names, children's names or birthdays. A good password in regards to security should include words and numbers.

One of the biggest things you can do in regards to your internet security is that if you are not sure about something, do not run it. While your internet security system should pop up if there is an issue, they are not always 100% accurate, especially if it has been a while between updates.

Internet security is not something you want to take lightly. I have built a website covering the different methods of http://www.razorfishpcrepair.com/ implementing internet security and preventing fraudulent activity. Please feel free to take a look at the best methods that I have discovered concerning internet security. You can never be too careful!

http://razorfishpcrepair.com/ Click here to learn more about internet security!


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