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By frequent IP Change you can make your online banking more secure. More and more business and a variety of transactions are conducted online these days. Amongst many financial transactions, online banking is growing faster than expected. Businesses and consumers both are using the internet for shopping, banking and financial management. The current internet security suites are not adequate protection against online theft and fraud. New technology using a simple idea of IP change along with data encryption give much more robust and secure online banking environment.

Use of internet has made banking efficient and convenient. However, it has at the same time introduced a great amount of risk of online theft and fraud which has been growing equally fast. Internet is inherently an insecure platform because you are simultaneously connected with world. Computer viruses, spy ware, mal ware, key loggers and a variety of other security threats have been there almost from the beginning of the widespread use of the internet. There are brilliant but deviant programmers that seem to be one step ahead of the internet security industry. So it is a constant battle between the intruders and the security experts. In spite of the advances made in browser security and internet security suites that include fire walls, anti virus, anti-spy ware and even identity theft protection software nevertheless it is not adequate to fully protect yourself when banking online.

Computer hackers are quite adept at breaching the firewall and once breached they can obtain your financial records, login passwords and account numbers. While online they can penetrate your network and intercept the data you send over the internet. It is especially so if your using unsecured wifi internet connection in spite of the best Internet security software.

In order to make online banking safer one needs to take all the protection and safety precautions that are already well known, such as hacker proof passwords, frequent change of passwords and keeping your browser, operating software and internet security software updated. Having done that one needs to look at most vulnerable points that could be safeguarded for enhanced security.

In order for hackers and online banking thieves to penetrate your computer system they need to know your computer's IP address, short for Internet Protocol Address. IP address is a six digit identifying number that is unique to your computer and gives out your exact location on the net. This address is assigned by your ISP (internet service provider). If this address can be hidden from others on the net you are that much more safer on the net. New technology has come in the market that allows you to make rapid IP Change. This is done by using several proxy servers with entirely different IP addresses. With the help of software (IP Changer) you can route internet connection through these remote proxy servers and change them frequently. So whenever you are connected to the internet no body sees your actual IP address. It is one of the addresses of the Proxy servers others see thus effectively hiding your IP address. You are thus able to surf the internet anonymously and securely. For additional and crucial security the data is encrypted so that it can not be hacked between your computer and the proxy server connection.

So when banking online you are securely connecting to the proxy server and then on to secure servers of the bank. When you are submitting log in information or your private identifying information such as social security number and financial information it is all done securely and anonymously. This is extremely valuable and important when banking from public locations such as libraries, book stores or hotels where unsecured networks such as the wifi are used.

All though there is perhaps never going to be absolute fool proof security this is as close to one as one can get with the currently available technology. It is this small but effective idea of IP change that makes it possible.

Now that you have found some valuable insight into online banking security issues go to http://www.change-ip-proxy.com to get an in depth information about systems that allow automatic IP change for secure online banking and more.


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