Think about how you want users to navigate your website.
Draw a square at the top of your paper and title it "Home Page."
Next to the box, write what sort of content you would like featured on your home page. This will save time when you start to build the site.
Create new boxes underneath your home page box and title them after the various sections of your web page. For instance, you might have "About," "Services," "Blog" and "Portfolio" pages.
Connect these new pages to the home page with an arrow. This means that each of these pages will have a link on the home page.
Continue building out from each page until every page you want to add to your site is represented on the site map. Check it over and consider how easy it will be to use, then import it to your computer by either drafting it into a document or scanning it and creating a digital copy.
What I prefer while developing a site map is that a separate html page will bullet lists of all links to site pages can be made with url something like sitemap.html and at footer of every page there should be link to sitemap.This is the most generic way it is done on many sites