Beware read the headline; Big Brother is out to chip you! And no they were not referring to throwing anyone into a wood-chipper, rather they were talking about implanting RFID Chips inside humans for tracking, communication, ID, and banking. Consider if you will that all you'd have to do to buy something is wave your arm over the cash register reader instead of sliding your ATM or credit card to buy something? No more check writing, no more waiting, as you could either buy online, or with your chip in person.
Sales tax, use tax, and everything would be collected instantly, and everyone would be happy right? Wrong, you see a Conspiracy Theorist from Pennsylvania emailed me the other day and explained that this was a plot. And so, I told him what I thought of his whole conspiracy issue;
You see, I would be concerned with the security issues and ID theft if we use the current RFID systems available. Also, some bio-scientists discuss the issues with the cells around such RFID chips, would vibrate incorrectly cause cancer cells in nearby cells. Even with a passive RFID tag it could be an issue, of course holding a cell phone microwave generating device up to your head isn't exactly wise either.
Electronic embedded ID, banking, etc - well, I'd say It is inevitable, as paper money is a problem, viruses and diseases in the fiber, plus it is too easy to counterfeit and it doesn't last very long. Electronic funds move faster thus, it simulates increased money supply. I don't buy into the whole "mark of the beast" thing; remember human superstition doesn't faze me. Physical money has no real future looking forward very far.
We need to do what is most efficient in our society, and what makes the most sense, so if they ever figure out the security features needed to protect your RFID implanted chip and protect you from ID thieves or electronic hacking, then it's all good. Right now the technology isn't there yet, so either way you really don't need to be concerned at this juncture anyway. Please consider all this.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.
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