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With the advent of the internet in our lives, technology has transformed into nothing less than a drug because of its uses in our lives. Businesses also heavily depend on high speed internet in order to carry out their daily procedures. But, the internet requirements of businesses are a little different from normal users.

For a home user, a 2 Mb line is more than enough, not only for high speed browsing, but for heavy downloading, online gaming, speedy video streaming as well as voice/video chat. They can also afford rare disconnections or degraded service due to heavy load or some other reason.

On the other hand, a business firm has to run various machines and perform various communication tasks all at a time, so even a bandwidth of 8 Mb is sometimes not enough for them. They can never afford disconnections, as they have continuously running processes, which can cause heavy losses on shutdown. Apart from that, high bandwidth requirements are needed in order to connect various servers and offices and to arrange video conferences and online meetings. These unique requirements gave birth to what we call business broadband.

A business broadband connection provides various functions in a higher quality package than the normal broadband connections for home users. These functions include a better speed, a softer hand on download limit, a more professional customer support, scalability, security and a wide range of other services that are, without a doubt, the requirement of the current competitive business world.

One of the primary reasons why a business broadband is more suitable over a normal one is due to the high quality customer support that is provided by the providers. This requirement is very critical. An outage on the internet may cause a loss of millions of dollars if not fixed on time. But, when it comes to business broadband connections, this customer support often comes as a paid service, but is worth the money. An SLA (service level agreement) is signed between the business firm and the provider, which states the exact time period, within which an outage issue would be resolved.

Another really important and critical issue for a business is its security. If the network of a business firm is not secure, it can easily be damaged by a virus, or in a worse case, be hacked by an intruder, who wants to gain critically secret information about the firm for any evil reason. Business broadband provides a high level of security so that such a situation never arises. Facilities like VPN are provided so that the users the remotely login to the system securely.

Speed is the basic factor on which the quality of internet relies upon. Since a business cannot afford degraded speeds, especially on peak traffic hours, business broadband provides a dedicated line with unlimited downloads in most of the cases, so that the business processes are never affected.

All in all, a business broadband, as the name shows, is built, keeping in account the unique requirements that a business firm has.

Check out more about business broadband here.


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