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Logitech has revealed its advertising campaign for Google TV, roping in Kevin Bacon for the 60-second promo.

Bacon, star of Footloose and the upcoming X-Men: First Class, plays the part of a Kevin Bacon obsessive who uses the Logitech Revue Google TV set-top to seek out internet content which includes the actor.

Google TV

The promo goes a decent way to explain to Joe Public what Google TV is all about. It doesn't use the acronyms VOD or IPTV for a start, merely showing that you can get web content on your TV.

It will be interesting to see how Google TV sells in the US. With it set to launch in the UK later in the year, America is something of a test bed for internet on the big screen.

Roping in Kevin Bacon is also pretty shrewd by Logitech. The movie star's prolific film output sparked off the internet meme Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Logitech and Google will be hoping that he can weave his web magic once more.


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