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Since the primitive age, security in general life is the most common issue. It was not before when people realized that it is necessary to acquire security since above everything one's life is more important. Form that point onwards various security systems were developed to solve the perspective needs. With the growth of violence, technological increment is also taking place. But till date 100% security has not been obtained. People are still terrified of attacks.

Eras of Different Security Systems:
If proper investigation is performed, a number of flaws could be noticed. The problem could be with the individuals or with the security systems which were used to protect the premise. Starting with individuals one absolutely could do nothing other than training them but when the question comes regarding the technology, many things can be done.

Nomad's Way of Security:
Advancement of the security systems can be performed. Just think once, in the past era where security used to be achieved using bonfire, to get protection from the animals. Nomads used to rely on their iron weapons from their own protection. Is it enough to use these things in today's date for the security purpose? No. so, is it a flaw of the security system or the human beings?

Security when Civilization Started:
Crossing the age of nomads, a more civilized people used the door protection using pen and paper register where a security guard used to keep a watch on every being in different premises. But the related problem was it was not efficient as it is not feasible for the guards to protect the premise against the technologically sound weapons. So, can we still continue with the same process which can not even provide protection against all the danger? Then, what is the need to get that security that can not secure life?

Electronic Advancement in Security Systems:
To eliminate the security guards, technologically sound electronic systems like fingerprinting devices, CCTV cameras etc. were introduced for security. These systems were based on software mechanisms. It was based on the technology where people used to touch the sensor in fingerprinting device to get the authentication. CCTV cameras used to do surveillance of the whole campus and DVR used to record the whole. With that in this era, facial identification technology has been developed. The need of this technology arose to overcome some of the limitations faced by the fingerprinting devices and other security systems.

Face Identification Technology:
Since security systems were technologically sound therefore illegal offenses was also more! Hacking of security systems, proxies, and violation of security rules were becoming very common. Along with that strength maintaining was important; devices were not efficient to handle large strength.

To handle these limitations, face identification technology was invented. Authentication is based on identifying the facial features. Biometric face recognition system makes usage of the computer system in order to store the details of individual's personal as well as facial features. It matches the new patterns with the old stored patterns as per the requirement.

Not only it possesses the technologically simplicity but also it is based on a very easy installation and maintenance process. Since it is based on recognizing the facial details therefore people does not have to rely on the buddy punching system anymore which is an add-on advantage. Thus, security system has to be advanced with the passing ages so that the world can fight against the crime. It should be always remembered that advancement is required in the security systems as well as in the behavioral traits.


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