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Is your PC suddenly much slower, almost lethargic? Does your internet connection lag or seem to just drop and then come back on? If so, then this could be caused by Security Suite. If you've mistakenly installed Security Suite not knowing that it isn't actually an anti-virus software but is itself a virus, then if you don't have those problems, you'll have them soon. If you don't want those problems you need to remove Security Suite as soon as possible.

Don't ever think that because it looks like a real anti-virus tool that you can just uninstall Security Suite and solve the problem. Because it is really a virus, it spreads all over your system and is designed to be very hard to remove. The virus searches your system for things like email addresses, stored logins and passwords, and even financial information, it sends this to the people who created the virus, and they sell what data they can. That is why it is so important that you try to get rid of Security Suite as soon as you can.

If you don't want to have to delete Security Suite, you might want to do everything you can to prevent infection; that is of course if you don't already have it. While that is easier said than done, there are activities you should avoid that have a particularly high risk:

Exchanging files via P2P programs like eMule and LimeWire - This leaves your system open to thousands of unprotected users.

Visiting websites you know nothing about- Malware developers often set up websites as traps, just going to such a site could get your browser being hijacked.

Using Adobe software and plug-ins while online without precautions- Make sure you have real time anti-virus protection while you are online and using Adobe browser plug-ins.

The first sign that the virus is trying to get on your system is a stream of pop-up windows, supposedly raising the alarm on an imminent or existing virus threat. They will warn you that should you not download a certain anti-virus program, that the threat will do real damage. At this point your browser has already likely been hijacked. The real malicious code though is the very software that is supposed to help you. Downloading it would be a very big mistake.

It is not possible to just delete Security Suite, the bug spreads too well. Security Suite removal can be done with a tedious manual removal process that involves:

Searching among your system files for files with.exe, or.bat extensions that were generated by the virus, and deleting them.

Any virus related.dll, and.lnk files that could be lurking in the background also need to be deleted.

Using a registry hack to remove anything in the folders HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER that refers to the virus.

Manual removal should only ever be tried by expert users. Average users could end up deleting something that shouldn't have been deleted. Even among experts though, the more used method to remove Security Suite is with the use of a good virus removal application. It's faster, safer, easier, far more likely to get the job done, and far less likely to crash your system. It also protects you from infection long term.

Tired of viruses infecting your computer? Want to surf the web with the peace of mind that your computer is safe and secure? Get your free scan from the top virus protection and remove Security Suite.

Jim Marshall is an expert computer technician with fifteen years of experience in the industry. Since his own computer was destroyed by malicious software, he has been studying antispyware, adware, and malware systems for years. His website details the comprehensive results of this research, ranking the best antispyware and antivirus programs available.



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