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If you are using a computer that is not within the confines of your home, you should be really careful. The open boundaries of Internet has transformed communication on Internet in a big way, it has brought computer users globally together and are able to send messages and data at the click of mouse. This openness of unguarded communication has also created security threat for computer users. The hackers and criminals are always lookout for unguarded computers, which can be hacked and used as zombies to launch attack on other computer or networks.

This is because using these computers compromises your security and make you extremely vulnerable to any type of malware attack, especially spyware. Of course, there are some things that you can do to ensure your security whenever you are using these computers.

First of all, you should never access your bank account or use a credit card on a public computer, like those that you will find in a coffee shop, airport or library. This is because the security risks in doing such activities are just too high. It is best to approach these computers as though they have a "key logger." This is a type of spyware software that is actually able to record every keystroke that you make on the computer that is affected with this form of spyware. As such, putting personal information into these computers will give "hackers" easy access to your accounts and other such sensitive data.

As a smart computer user you need to implement following procedures to safe guard your privacy and valuable data.

Install Anti-Virus software

Install any good anti-virus software on your system. This software will ensure no unauthorized software is downloaded on your system, stops attack from virus and computer worms. This virus scanner will help in detecting and removing the viruses and worms. It is recommended to scan your computer full at least once a week. You can also schedule your weekly scan and put it on auto method.

Install Firewall software

As name sounds it is a security ring around your data and application residing on your system. The firewall puts additional security ring around your system to block unauthorized access to your computer for data or personal theft. In case you have DSL, Broadband or wireless system at home it becomes very important to install firewall to guard from hackers. Equally important is to install firewall with full features and with password protected Internet access, ensuring no one other than you can tap to Internet access through your computer.

Do not open E-mail Attachments

The Hackers and Viruses makers often use e-mail attachment to spread viruses in computers and computer networks. Once you open an e-mail attachment infected with virus, it will start taking over your system and hijack your e-mail contact address. The virus program will use your e-mail contacts to spread it other computers. This information also can be used by Internet advertisers for sales promotions.

Avoid opening e-mail attachments received from unauthorized source. Use virus scanner to scan for any virus or worm trace, if found delete the mail from your system and put senders address in block list.

Back up computer data.

It is always good practice to take daily or weekly backup of your computer data. In case of damaged computer or corrupted data, you can always restore your last saved copy to resume work. Make this practice daily to be on top of your work. Together with anti-virus and firewall in place you will be one step ahead of Internet crooks and hackers.

Protect Your Password.

Create your password with the combination of characters and numbers. Do not keep password based on your name, last name, nickname or date of birth, because these are very easy for someone to figure your password. Change your passwords frequently and keep your different passwords for credit card or bank account. This will stop you from getting profiled by hackers and saves your identity.

Live Software Updates.

The makers of operating software, application software or anti-virus software often find holes in their software. In order to block these bugs in software they release software updates for their users. These updates are important, one it tighten the security for software and also they update known list of viruses in your system. Always keep live update option open for your operating software and anti-virus software.

Free Software Download.

Nothing is free, avoid visiting website, which give free software. The free software always comes with adware program to pay for their development cost. Once you have downloaded free software, either it will start showing ads in the form pop-up or it will record your Internet interest in terms of what you like and where you shop. This will help Internet advertisers to send you right set of ads.

Above all be proactive in safeguarding your privacy. This will not only help you in safeguarding your computer but also other computers connected to open boundaries of Internet.

Do not share your passwords with other computer users.
Do not share your personal- information in chat room with strangers.
Do not download free software unless it is from trusted source.
Avoid public computers for accessing your financial institution such as banks and credit card companies.
Do not respond to mails asking you to provide your personal information, where sender is pretending to be one from your bank or credit card company.
Do not respond to mails claiming you have won jackpot, golden rule if you didn't buy lottery ticket then you didn't win any lottery.



  1. Thank you for the tips, can you recommend a good antivirus for windows 7?

    best wishes

