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Today, the Internet is everything. With just the touch of a button, everything we may need is right before our very eyes. The Internet is the multi-dimensional tool that fits every description of convenience. There are a lot of things we can do in the Internet. Research for one thing is a very popular task. Social networking sites are also one of the most popular things to do and chatting, the Internet has bridged time and distance.

Like any invention, it's also no free of any error. The Internet has also flaws. Internet security has raised an alarming number of concerns. Once connection sets out there is a connection to different computers probably from all over the world. Yes! It brings the world closer with just the touch of a button, but it also opens a user to different security risks.

Unprotected computers are at risk of acquiring viruses. Viruses make their way into the system and corrupt files leaving it useless. Viruses spread and may shut down and corrupt a whole computer's operating system. It is also at risk for hackers who want to make their way into a computer system. Sometimes they use IP addresses to disguise theirs. A lot of these unknown risks come in different forms. Some come in the form of very enticing downloads like movies, songs, albums, pictures, and links.

Internet security serves as a protection for one's internet connection and computer as well. Once a user gets connected the connection allows file sharing and web browsing exposing it to hackers, viruses, and other damages that can make their way into the system.

Why do we need an internet security system? This program should be a staple feature in every computer. Internet security system protects data inside the computer. It serves as protection from the viruses that make their way into another system. File sharing can be easily monitored and detected of any anomaly that may harm ones system. It protects the overall system and it may also cure any contaminated file or sector and prevent it from spreading further.

There are 3 vital features any internet security system should posses.

Personal Firewall - This feature has 2 major functions. It protects the whole system from inbound activities like file sharing from unknown users. Sometimes, there may already be hidden "Trojan horse" (virus) that can attract any outsourcer's attention. It also protects the system from any outbound activity that maybe triggered by this "Trojan horse."

Anti-Virus - This feature scans a computer's hard disk for any viruses that may cause corruption of the system. Some viruses make their way into files through, again, file sharing and emails. At some point anti-virus may eliminate/cure any virus that is attempting to spread. It's important to update this software for more efficiency.

Anti-Spyware - This software protects computers from deceitful pop-up that lead to hacking and unwanted monitoring from unknown users. It also gets rid of any unwanted software that is hard to remove

Be smart a smart and savvy computer user. Always protect your computer from threats.

Tina L. Douglas is a skilled writer from California. With numerous experiences in the field of writing for several financial institutions, she is greatly qualified across a variety of economic issues. Her notable pieces of writing involve internet security software.


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