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It could be potentially dangerous to rely on your computer heavily at times. If you use your computer to post crucial personal information in social networking sites, or unintentionally give out details about your schedule through your online blogging, or giving your account number to pay your bills. This could be a big threat to you if it fell into evil hands. When you use your computer to essentially make your life work as you log in to the Internet, you are taking a big gamble with your personal life. When your computer starts to exchange data with other computers through the internet, it becomes troublesome.

When a hacker tries to intrude into your computer and get information or data you have inputted in your computer and fails it would most likely be because of "Internet Security". Some securities issues are concerned with feeling comfortable using their systems. They want to be confident that they are secured from cyber criminals. Fundamental tips on security include creating difficult passwords, back ups, and file permissions. However, this would not suffice because these criminals are sometimes intelligent enough to still break into your computer's data even with this security. So, you should be vigilant and have enhancements about Internet security always be upgraded into your computer.

Fortunately, there are programs which could help prevent these problems of hacking and other types of intrusions. And these are called, "Anti-virus". They are systems specifically built to fight "viruses" or dangerous systems that may have intruded your personal computer. Some examples of these programs which may inflict damage to you and your computer are the following: Viruses, Malware, Worms, Spyware, and etc.

A virus is a program which copies itself into your computer several times as it penetrates deeper it then makes the system slow down tremendously.

A malware on the other hand is short for "malicious software". It is basically a spy computer which spies on other computers' information.

Also, there such programs called, "Worms". They are like viruses which copy themselves extensively. And lastly, "Spywares". These are programs which monitor one's activity in the computer - from keystroke to mouse movement in order to report the information to the hacker.

There are a lot more types of programs, so be careful when you are online. Always be safe and have Internet Security.

These Anti-virus programs search and destroy viruses which may be present in your system. These security programs could be bought at your nearest computer shop or online. There are some similar software which offer free service as well. However, these free anti-virus programs may not be as effective as the anti-virus program you have to purchase. Because of their nature of being free, they may not be able to give as good a service as that of one not free. And so you should always be careful when trying to look for a good anti-virus program. In other cases, you should also be vigilant in downloading these programs because some of them have hidden deep inside the files, dangerous viruses which may slow down your computer tremendously and at the same time steal information from you.

Tina L. Douglas is a well established author on the topic of internet security.

For more advice and information on internet security software, just click on the link.


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