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Are you concerned about your Internet security and privacy? Worried about Trojan Horses, computer viruses, keystroke loggers, spyware, and other malicious software? Malicious software can actually lead you to becoming a victim of identity theft, one of the fastest growing crimes in Canada and the USA. In fact, according to a recent study by Panda Security, one percent of PC users are infected with malware designed to steal bank, investment, and other financial information from your PC. Wondering how to make your computer more secure? There are some steps that you can take to dramatically increase your online security and privacy, while at the same time enhancing your computer's performance, speed, and reliability.

First of all, ensure that you have anti-virus software installed on your computer. It is good to know that there is free anti-virus software available for download on the Internet. Remember that anti-virus software is only as good as the last update. Internet security experts are constantly playing a cat and mouse game to keep up with the newest viruses and other malware. This is because new viruses and other malicious software are created everyday.

Have anti-spyware software installed on your computer and keep it up to date. Most spyware, but not all, is detected and removed by anti-virus software. You need to have anti-spyware software installed on your computer to help protect yourself from spyware. Besides slowing down your computer, as spyware is not designed to run efficiently, it can jeapardise your Internet security. Spyware can lead you to becoming the next victim of identity theft, one of the fastest growing crimes in Canada and the USA. Some Internet security experts actually recommend that you have Spybot Search & Destroy as well as two other anti-spyware programs , installed on your computer. Anti-spyware software, including Spybot Search & Destroy, can be downloaded for free on the Internet. Windows Vista, actually includes Windows Defender, a free anti-spyware program.

Have a firewall installed on your computer. Many software firewalls can be downloaded online for free. Windows Vista and XP includes a firewall. Ensure that it is activated.

It is crucial if you have a wireless Internet connection, that you make sure that the connection is secure. Be sure to encrypt your Wi-Fi network, using the strongest form of encryption supported by your network. Otherwise, anyone as far as ten miles away using a Wi-Fi antenna that is created with a Pringles can, is able to at the very least steal your bandwidth. A hacker in fact could use your Internet connection to commit illegal acts, such as accessing child pornography. They could even install malicious software, such as a keystroke logger, onto your computer, enabling them to record every single keystroke you make. This could result in you becoming yet another victim of identity theft.

Simply turn off your modem and router when not in use for an extended period of time. It is impossible to hack into a computer Network, if the modem and/or router are disconnected.

Finally, make sure that your operating system is updated and that you have downloaded the latest security patches.

While there is no way to guarantee your Internet security and privacy 100%, besides disconnecting your Internet connection forever, by using a little common sense and following these steps you'll greatly increase your Internet security and privacy.

Chris Hecker is the owner and writer of Internet Security 101, a site and blog with free internet security and privacy articles, tutorials, and tips.


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