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Google plans to eradicate platform fragmention for its Android mobile OS are bearing fruit as its latest iteration has quickly become the most popular.

Android 2.2, which brings a number of speed and performance enhancements, was only launched in August, but is now present on nearly half of all Android phones; 43.4% to be exact.

This is closely followed by Android 2.1, which has just under 39.6% of the market, with Android 1.6 and 1.5 making up the rest.

Few' platforms, mo' money

What this means is that it's slightly easier for developers to make applications that work across all devices - four is still too many, but reduces the time needed to allow cross-platform interoperability.

Headline devices for Android 2.2 include the HTC Desire HD, LG Optimus One and the Samsung Galaxy Tab, all taking advantage of elements like faster UI performance.

Of course, with Android 2.3 on the horizon in the shape of Gingerbread, and Honeycomb not too far behind, this could all be ruined soon...


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