Pay for a SSL certificate. These are the key to enabling SSL support for your website. The issuer of the SSL certificate will be giving you not only the technology to use SSL, but also lending its credibility to assuring your visitors that you control your website. This way people know they are not being scammed. Some companies that offer these are Verisign, GlobalSign, and many web hosting companies offer these as well. Pick which company you wish to purchase from.
Generate your CSR (Certificate Signing Request). This is a file of code which uniquely identifies the domain you will be purchasing SSL for as your own. The exact instructions for generating this file vary from hosting service to hosting service. Consult your web host's documentation to find out where exactly in your website's control panel you can go to generate this. Save it as a text file to your computer.
Log into your new account with the SSL company (you will have been prompted to set it up while you were paying for a certificate). In your account, you will see one (or more, depending on how many certificates you purchased) certificate credit. Click on that credit to begin the online paperwork to generate your SSL certificate. You will be asked for a variety of identifying information about yourself and your website.
Copy and paste the text of the data file into your online paper work's CSR field. The company will use the CSR to generate a unique SSL certificate that will only work with and on your website. Submit your information when you have finished. Since the company is going to be assuring the whole world that you are who you are, the company will take a few days to verify the information you provided. When they have completed this process, they will generate your SSL certificate and email it to you.
Install your new SSL certificate onto your website. How exactly this is done varies from server to server and web hosting company to web hosting company. Once you have the certificate installed on your website, you need not do anything else. The SSL certificate will interact with your visitor's web browsers to secure their communications, and display the lock icons denoting a secure connection. When you visitor's click on the lock icon, their browsers will confirm that your SSL certificate is valid and correct for the site.
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is the is the standard security technology. It is the way of establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. The link ensures the privacy and integrity of data passed between the web server and browsers.