Open a new file in a word processing program and copy the following code into it:
This is the basic framework for an empty webpage. Save the file and open it in an Internet browser. As you save changes, you will be able to refresh the browser and see them immediately.
Enter a title for your website between the
Change the webpage's background from the default white by changing the tag to one of the following:
--- Changes the background to a solid color (in this case green)
--- Changes the background to a repeating image, tiled across the screen.
Be careful when changing the background that you don't make the content hard to read.
Type "This is my page" between the and tags. This is the area where most of the page's information will go. When you save the file and refresh the browser, you will see your text in the upper left of the screen.
Alter your text with the following tags:
This is my page --- Makes the text bold.
This is my page --- Makes the text italic.
This is my page --- Makes the text underlined.
This is my page --- Makes the text red (or any other color you wish).
This is my page --- Makes the text size 5. You can select from 1 (the smallest) to 6 (the largest). Add a + before the number to increase the size even more.
Experiment with combining tags. For example, This is my page will make the text bold and italic.
Notice that the tags are neatly contained within one another, like an box within a box. This is called nesting. It is not required, but it makes it much easier to edit your page later.
Space text (and images) vertically with the following tags:
--- Adds a single-spaced line break.
--- Adds a double-spaced paragraph break.
--- Adds a horizontal line across the screen with paragraph breaks before and after.
Add an image to your page by adding the tag in the location that you want your image to appear. This is one of the few tags that does not require a closing tag.
Alter the image with the following additions to the image tag:
--- Sets the width and height to specific values, measured in pixels.
--- Sets a border around the image to the size that you designate.
--- Aligns the image on the right side of the screen, instead of the default left.
Create a text or image link to another webpage with the following tags:
When the text or image that you designate is clicked, the user will be send to the destination webpage (in this case
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