Do pesky telemarketers call up you mobile phone to sell you car loans, credit cards or unbelievable deals for petty commissions. In a major initiative to stop telemarketing calls, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has started the National Do Not Call Registry of India. Any mobile or landline subscriber who does not wish to receive telemarketing calls, can request their telephone number be included in the NDNC Registry. Here are some ways to block unsolicited calls from top mobile operators and private banks in India.
Join the Do Not Call Registry
The primary objective of the National Do Not Call Registry (NDNC Registry) is to curb Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC). The NDNC Registry will store a data base with all subscriber telephone numbers who opted for the service. The Telemarketer will have to verify their calling telephone numbers list with the NDNC registry before making a call or face a fine of Rs 500 per call/message and defaulter telemarketers might face disconnection of telecom service also.
Customers can make such requests free of cost. The telecom service provider will acknowledge the request within ten days. All promotional calls and messages to your phone will stop within 45 days from registration. Subscriber may confirm whether their number is included in the NDNC registry home page.
Stop Unsolicited Calls from Airtel
To stop telemarketing calls from Airtel send SMS START DND to 1909 or use this form. For Landline users, you need to register your phone number using this form
Stop Telemarketing Calls from Vodafone
To avoid unwanted telemarketing calls, register your Vodafone number in NDNC Registry – call 1909 (toll tree) or sms START DND on 1909 (toll free). And in case you want to de-register yourself from the NDNC registry sms STOP DND to 1909 (toll free).
Stop Telemarketing Calls from Idea Cellular
Should you desire to stop receiving such communication from Idea, all you need to do is to fill the form. The fine print say they require 30 working days to remove your number from the telemarketing lists.
Block Unsolicited Calls from MTNL
The MTNL Delhi service takes you to fill a form on the Unified Call Center web Portal which asks for your LandLine / CDMA / GSM No. or Customer Account No.
Block Telemarketing Calls from Reliance Mobile
If you do not wish to be informed about new features, products and promotional offer through telephone calls or by SMS, you can unsubscribe from such communication by filling up this form.
Block Telemarketing Calls from Tata Docomo
If you wish to stop receiving such communication and want to register yourself on the NDNC registry, simply SMS START DND to 1909 (toll free) and in case you want to de-register yourself from the NDNC registry SMS STOP DND to 1909 (toll free). Alternatively you could register yourself for ‘My Account’ in order to avail ‘Do Not Disturb’ facility, online. Click here to register yourself.
Block Telemarketing Calls from Aircel
If you wish to register or de-register from Aircel’s Do Not Disturb Registry, then send SMS or Call on toll free number as per the instructions given below :-
By SMS (Toll Free)
To register Type: START DND and Send to: 1909
To de-register Type: STOP DND and Send to: 1909
By Call (Toll Free)
You may dial 1909 from your Aircel mobile to register or de-register from this service.
Block Telemarketing Calls from Spice Mobile
If you do not wish to be informed about offers or services through telephone calls/SMS, you can unsubscribe from such communications by calling a toll free number 1909 or SMS “START DND” to 1909. Alternatively you can use this form.
If you have an Android Phone, there is a very neat product call SieveSMS available on the Android Market.The app allow blocking of promotional SMS by creating rules for SMS's There is also an option to block all promotional messages that have a numeric sender address.The link to the download is or you can search SieveSMs on the Android Market.I have been using this for quite some time and the app does a great job of blocking messages