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Microsoft adds AI capabilities to Office 365 products [ad_1]

Microsoft has added Insights to Excel, rolled out a new Acronyms feature for MS Word and users will be able to automatically extract searchable text from images with the Text in image search.

Microsoft adds AI capabilities to Office 365 products

Microsoft office 365Where to buy 19190’s suit of apps will now come with a set of new intelligent features. In Microsoft Excel, a machine learning based feature, Insignts, is rolling out. It will help users “discover insights from data, make use of organisational knowledge, arrive on time for events, and more.” Insights in Excel will automatically highlight patterns it detects in data. The feature will be powered by machine learning and help identify trends, outliers, and other visualizations. Microsoft says that Insights will provide new and useful perspectives on data and will start rolling out in preview to Office insiders this month. 

The company also revealed Acronyms for Microsoft Word which scrounges through an documents and emails to help understand the internal acronyms being used in an organization. The feature will begin rolling out to Word Online for office 365Where to buy 19190 commercial subscribers in 2018. Microsoft is also bringing Cortana to the Outlook mobile app to help users with their appointments. Users will be notified about upcoming appointments and Outlook will now send a notification which will display directions for both driving and public transit. The ‘Time to leave’ feature in Outlook is currently rolling out for iOS users this month, but only in markets where Cortana is available.

Microsoft has also revealed a feature called text in images with intelligent search. The company says it will automatically extract searchable text from images and help users find content from business cards and receipts. The ‘Text in image’ search is currently rolling out and will be available to all office 365Where to buy 19190 commercial subscribers by the end of December.

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').insertAfter('.inside-container p:eq(1)'); */
// $( "http://www.digit.in/" ).insertAfter('.inside-container p:eq(0)');
//method to trunkate the text
function shorten(text, maxLength) {
var ret = text;
if (ret.length > maxLength) {
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//disabled method to append dontmiss links to page content by Mayank
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if($('.inside-container > p:eq('+index+')').length){
$('.inside-container > p:eq('+((index * 2) + 1)+')').append('

Related: ' + $(this).html() + '' );
$('.inside-container > p:eq('+((index * 2) + 1)+')').append('

Related: ' + $(this).html() + '' );

/* if(isDesktop()) {
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* ga event tracking on page scroll start and end by Mayank

// Debug flag
var debugMode = false;

// Default time delay before checking location
var callBackTime = 100;

// # px before tracking a reader
var readerLocation = 150;

// Set some flags for tracking & execution
var timer = 0;
var scroller = false;
var endContent = false;
var didComplete = false;

// Set some time variables to calculate reading time
var startTime = new Date();
var beginning = startTime.getTime();
var totalTime = 0;

// Get some information about the current page
var pageTitle = document.title;

// Track the aticle load -- disabled
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// console.log("ga('send', 'event', 'Reading', 'ArticleLoaded', pageTitle, {'nonInteraction': 1}");
} else {
alert('The page has loaded. Woohoo.');

// Check the location and track user
function trackLocation() {
bottom = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop();
height = $(document).height();

// If user starts to scroll send an event
if (bottom > readerLocation && !scroller) {
currentTime = new Date();
scrollStart = currentTime.getTime();
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ga('send', 'event', 'Reading', 'StartReading', pageTitle, timeToScroll, {'metric1' : timeToScroll});
} else {
alert('started reading ' + timeToScroll);
scroller = true;

// If user has hit the bottom of the content send an event
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contentScrollEnd = currentTime.getTime();
timeToContentEnd = Math.round((contentScrollEnd - scrollStart) / 1000);
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totalTime = Math.round((end - scrollStart) / 1000);
if (!debugMode) {
ga('send', 'event', 'Reading', 'PageBottom', pageTitle, totalTime, {'metric3' : totalTime});
} else {
alert('bottom of page '+totalTime);
didComplete = true;

// Track the scrolling and track location
$(window).scroll(function() {
if (timer) {

// Use a buffer so we don't call trackLocation too often.
timer = setTimeout(trackLocation, callBackTime);

').insertAfter(".inside-container p:eq(2)");



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