Apple and Samsung are going back to court

GadgetsNow & Agencies | Oct 23, 2017, 08.10PM IST

The patent battle between Apple and Samsung -- two technology behemoths -- is set to be reprised. The long-standing dispute between both companies just refuses to die down. In 2012, a court had ordered Samsung to pay $1 billion to Apple though the amount was further brought down after Samsung had appealed. Now, the case has taken another twist as the amount could once again be revised.

A U.S. judge has ordered a new trial to determine how much Samsung Electronics Co should pay Apple Inc for copying the look of the iPhone.

U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose, California issued an order late on Sunday, 10 months after the U.S. Supreme Court set aside a $399 million award against Samsung for mimicking the iPhone's look for its Galaxy and other devices.

The Supreme Court said damages could be based only on parts of a device that may have infringed patents, not necessarily the entire device.

Koh said the jury instructions at the Apple-Samsung trial "did not accurately reflect the law" and may have prejudiced Samsung by preventing jurors from considering whether any infringement covered "something other than the entire phone."

The $399 million is part of a $548 million payment that Samsung made to Apple in December 2015.

Apple had argued that no new trial was warranted, and that the $399 million award should be confirmed. It did not immediately respond on Monday to requests for comment.

Samsung, in a statement, said it welcomed Koh's order.

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