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We are living in Information Technology age. We are dependent on our computer for many of our day to day tasks. Information technology is the science related to origin and development of computing. From 1950 the computer is getting smaller in size and faster in speed. Now computers are more affordable and have more processing power. Many types of software and services are being developed every day, to make computer more powerful. The computers are helping the Industry by automating their work and improving the quality of their products, it also helps in term's of reducing the manpower cost. Information Technology is providing new opportunities to work for many people. Their is a huge manpower demand in IT. Information Technology is a very vast field having many technology integrated with each other. As IT is improving industry requires more professionals. There is a huge demand for Software developers in field of Java, Dot Net and C. Once the software is developed support personals are required to support it. In case of automotive industries they have automated their production, so they requires trained IT person to handle and support the production software.


The major Information technology job requirements are in Development and Support areas. As the Information technology is developing everyday new jobs are arising, in hardware field also. The hardware vendors requires the professionals who have experience in the chip level hardware development. The number of Computers are increasing in every office for the data entry use also so the data entry operators are required for this task. To keep the computer running the Support staff is also required. The operating system is a very important part of computer, there is a huge requirement in field of OS because of continuous development of the OS. Every day new patches and service packs are released for operating systems. So the support professionals are required to support the OS, all operating system manufacturers provide the training facilities for the professionals so they can support the OS efficiently. Java is one of the biggest software technology used for the development of all type software's. Sun Microsystem's provide the Java training for this platform. The UNIX is of of the biggest platform which provides million's of job opportunities in development and support areas. IBM, HP and SUN provides the trainings for UNIX professionals.


The telecommunication is one of the biggest industry and it is continuously growing. Telecommunication field requires a large number of IT professionals for their Development and Support operations. The Telecom industry is dependent on IT for its basic infrastructure.


Today every industry is dependent on IT. There is a huge requirement for IT professionals. But the rate of attrition is very high in IT. It is hard to find a good IT professional with good experience because it requires the organization to pay more. IT is a enabler so to keep the system operations up and running every company requires IT professionals. So we can say that the Information Technology provides a huge number of opportunities for the IT professionals.


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