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Do you know how many types of virus' are available on internet? Have you worried about the security of your PC? Do you want to get the best security program for protecting your laptop? You can get all the answers from this review.


No.1 DOS virus. DOS virus can only be active and run under DOS environment and the earlier environment of Windows. When it has infected a computer, you will see this: DOS can not load normally; executable files being changed unknowingly; system becomes dead or runs abnormally.


No.2 Windows virus. Windows virus can also be divided into infecting NE form (Windows3.X); executing applications virus and infecting PE form (Windows95/98). Their mainly affect your PC running in the following aspects:
CMOS settings are changed secretly and your machine can not operate as usual, even can not boot up. Windows system files or text on your PC are also changed. BIOS is also changed to unrecognized form so that your system is completely crashing. CIH virus is one the representative of these viruses.


No.3 Mixed type virus. With the large use of Windows system and the fast development of internet technology, mixed type virus with terribly destroyable force are also produced in a large amount. The mixed type viruses combine the destructive ability of traditional email virus and the advantage of current internet technology; they can search and find out the security holes and attacks the computers though them. For example, viruses can turn off the server and attack the weakness of these computers.


Mixed type viruses contain Worm, Trojans, Backdoor, Hackers and technology of SMTP. They can spread in a fast growing speed and are really dangerous for common users. They can even infect millions of machines in minutes and the lost caused by them will be up to millions dollars! Junk email virus, Trojans and spyware threats are the most common types of mixed viruses nowadays. They are extremely harmful to those users who do not get an excellent security program on their PC.


Of course there are still many other virus types, but I am here to list few of them and hope your PC can be far away from these viruses. What is more, to Secure Your PC, you can click here to get a useful helper for you!


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